Gwinnett县警察追捕35岁的Victor Morillo, 因为他的前妻Jackmerly Hernandez-Rodriguez被谋杀,31岁。 Gwinnett County police seek Victor Morillo, 35, for the murder of his ex-wife, Jackmerly Hernandez-Rodriguez, 31.
一个35岁的男子,维克托·何塞·亚劳尔·莫里略因在格温内特县谋杀其前妻31岁的Jackmerly Jouselis Hernandez-Rodriguez被通缉。 A 35-year-old man, Victor Jose Yaraure Morillo, is wanted for the murder of his ex-wife, Jackmerly Jouselis Hernandez-Rodriguez, 31, in Gwinnett County. Morillo被控恶意谋杀和其他指控,仍然逍遥法外。 Morillo, accused of malice murder and other charges, remains at large. 他的黑色2016丰田Corolla被发现无人居住。 His black 2016 Toyota Corolla was found unoccupied. 警方敦促任何有消息的人联系911或犯罪制止者(404)577-8477。 The police urge anyone with information to contact 911 or Crime Stoppers at (404) 577-8477.