19岁的Jamal O. Dawson因5月4日在Davenport的枪击事件面临谋杀未遂指控。 Nineteen-year-old Jamal O. Dawson faces attempted murder charges for a May 4 shooting in Davenport.
19岁的Jamal O. Dawson来自锡达拉皮兹,因5月4日在达文波特发生枪击事件而面临包括谋杀未遂在内的指控。 Nineteen-year-old Jamal O. Dawson from Cedar Rapids faces charges, including attempted murder, for a shooting on May 4 in Davenport. 事件使受害人受重伤,包括背部和嘴部中枪伤。 The incident left the victim with severe injuries, including a gunshot wound to the back and mouth. Dawson以前曾被判重罪,不准他拥有火器,现在被扣押的保证金为100 000美元,预定11月15日出庭。 Dawson, who has prior felony convictions preventing him from possessing firearms, is being held on a $100,000 bond and has a court appearance scheduled for November 15.