印度军队在查谟和克什米尔的行动导致一名好战分子被杀和冲突持续不断。 Indian Army operations in Jammu and Kashmir lead to one militant killed and ongoing clashes.
在查谟和克什米尔的班迪波拉和库普瓦拉地区正在开展的反军事行动已导致一名战斗人员在班迪波拉死亡,在库普瓦拉持续发生战斗。 Ongoing anti-militancy operations in Jammu and Kashmir's Bandipora and Kupwara districts have resulted in the death of one militant in Bandipora and ongoing encounters in Kupwara. 印度军队根据有关好战分子存在的情报报告发起这些行动。 The Indian Army launched these operations based on intelligence reports of militant presence. 安全部队目前在这两个地区进行交火。 Security forces are currently engaged in firefights in both areas. 这些事件是最近该区域暴力剧增的一部分,促使军事行动增加。 These incidents are part of a recent surge in violence in the region, prompting increased military action.