曼彻斯特一名肇事逃逸者打伤了六条行人,导致司机因多项指控被逮捕。 A hit-and-run in Manchester injured six pedestrians, leading to the driver's arrest for multiple charges.
在曼彻斯特的Openshaw Bonfire夜, 6名行人(包括3名儿童)于下午8时30分左右受伤, On Bonfire Night in Openshaw, Manchester, a hit-and-run incident injured six pedestrians, including three children, around 8:30 PM. 司机逃离现场,但后来被捕,罪名是危险驾驶造成重伤,袭击一名应急工作人员,以及企图提供毒品。 The driver fled the scene but was later arrested on charges of causing serious injury by dangerous driving, assaulting an emergency worker, and drug possession with intent to supply. 所有受害者都住院治疗,大曼彻斯特警方正在寻求公众提供有关这一事件的信息。 All victims were hospitalized, and Greater Manchester Police are seeking information from the public regarding the incident.