一项调查发现,43%的英国成年人经历过幽灵,妇女受到的影响更大。 A survey finds 43% of British adults have experienced ghosting, with women affected more.
一项对 2,000 名英国成年人的调查显示,43% 的人经历过重影——即交流突然停止——在女性中更为常见。 A survey of 2,000 British adults reveals that 43% have experienced ghosting—where communication abruptly stops—more commonly among women. 桑德兰的幽灵率最高,而约克的则最低. Sunderland tops ghosting rates, while York has the least. 尽管65%的人认为鬼鬼祟祟是不可接受的,但46%的人认为这是惩罚不忠行为的正当理由。 Although 65% find ghosting unacceptable, 46% see it as justifiable for punishing infidelity. 其他趋势包括僵尸化(前任无故再次出现)和幻影调情(涉及发送混合信号)。 Other trends include zombie-ing, where an ex reappears without explanation, and phantom-flirting, which involves sending mixed signals. 许多青年人也报告了这些经历。 Many young people also report these experiences.