新西兰的ACT党呼吁公务员使用Uber, 这可能节省纳税人300万美元。 New Zealand's ACT Party calls for public servants to use Uber, potentially saving taxpayers $3 million.
新西兰共青联党财政发言人Toddson Stephenson敦促公共服务专员Brian Roche爵士允许公务员使用Uber这样的骑车服务,而不是传统的出租车。 Todd Stephenson, Finance spokesperson for New Zealand's ACT Party, has urged Public Service Commissioner Sir Brian Roche to permit public servants to use rideshare services like Uber instead of traditional taxis. 他声称,根据2017年的报告,这每年可以节省300万美元的纳税人。 He claims this could save taxpayers up to $3 million annually, based on a 2017 report. 拼车应用程序还提供实时跟踪和数字收据等安全功能,从而加强对公务员的问责制。 Rideshare apps also offer safety features like live tracking and digital receipts, which enhance accountability for public servants.