新西兰上诉法院裁定Uber驾驶员为雇员,给予他们就业保护。 New Zealand's Court of Appeal rules Uber drivers as employees, granting them employment protections.
新西兰上诉法院裁定,Uber司机是雇员,而不是承包商,给予他们全面就业保护,如病假、假日工资和加入工会的权利。 New Zealand's Court of Appeal has ruled that Uber drivers are employees, not contractors, granting them full employment protections such as sick leave, holiday pay, and the right to join a union. 该决定违背了政府关于维持“现状”的承诺,即承包商不能在就业法院质疑其就业状况。 The decision contradicts the government's commitment to maintain a "status quo" where contractors cannot challenge their employment status in the Employment Court. 这项裁决意义重大,因为它可以改变新西兰的就业环境,确保更多的工人有有保障的工作,不会被Uber等公司剥削。 The ruling is significant, as it could change the landscape of employment in New Zealand, ensuring more workers have secure jobs and are not exploited by companies like Uber.