印度空间研究组织S. Somanath敦促印度通过投资,将空间经济份额从2%提高到10%。 ISRO's S. Somanath urges India to boost its space economy share from 2% to 10% through investment.
印度空间研究组织主席S. Somanath主张印度发展领先的空间公司,而不仅仅是服务供应商,目的是提高印度全球空间经济的2%至10%的份额。 ISRO Chairman S. Somanath advocates for India to develop leading space companies rather than just service providers, aiming to boost the country's global space economy share from 2% to 10%. 他呼吁政府和私人投资大量,以建立一个繁荣的生态系统,并解决对空间技术需求不足的问题。 He calls for significant government and private investment to establish a thriving ecosystem and address the insufficient demand for space technology. 印度空间联合会强调,必须进行监管改革,为初创企业提供更好的测试设施,并进行国际合作,促进该部门的可持续增长。 The Indian Space Conclave highlighted the need for regulatory reforms and better testing facilities for startups, as well as international collaborations for sustainable growth in the sector.