以色列终止与近东救济工程处的合作,影响了其关系和潜在的人道主义援助。 Israel ends cooperation with UNRWA, affecting its relationship and potential humanitarian aid.
以色列已正式通知联合国,它将终止与联合国巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处 (UNRWA) 的合作,从而终止 1967 年的一项协议。 Israel has officially informed the United Nations that it is terminating its cooperation with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), ending a 1967 agreement. 虽然这一决定不会影响近东救济工程处的持续运作,但它标志着以色列与该机构关系的重大转变。 While this decision does not affect UNRWA's ongoing operations, it marks a significant shift in Israel's relationship with the agency. 此举可能会影响对巴勒斯坦难民的人道主义援助,并对巴以冲突产生更广泛的影响。 The move may impact humanitarian aid to Palestinian refugees and has broader implications for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.