印度的Lok Sabha议长宣布了三项旨在应对现代社会挑战的新的刑法。 India's Lok Sabha Speaker announced three new criminal laws aimed at addressing modern societal challenges.
Lok Sabha议长Om Birla宣布在印度颁布三项新的刑法,这是通过广泛的议会讨论和公众参与制定的。 Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla announced the enactment of three new criminal laws in India, crafted through extensive parliamentary discussions and public involvement. 这些法律涉及现代社会挑战和技术变革,反映了印度对正义、性别平等和人权的承诺。 These laws address modern societal challenges and technological changes, reflecting India's commitment to justice, gender equality, and human rights. Birla强调在全球理解法律框架以加强外交的重要性,并强调公众对印度立法进程的信心日益增强。 Birla stressed the importance of understanding legal frameworks globally to enhance diplomacy and highlighted growing public confidence in India's legislative process.