罗马尼亚的希德罗电力公司和挪威的SINTEF公司收到214,459欧元,以提高水电效率。 Romania's Hidroelectrica and Norway's SINTEF receive €214,459 to enhance hydropower efficiency.
罗马尼亚的Hidrofecta和挪威的SINTEF将获得冰岛、列支敦士登和挪威的214,459欧元赠款,以提高水力发电厂的效率。 Romania's Hidroelectrica and Norway's SINTEF will receive EUR 214,459 in grants from Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway to enhance the efficiency of hydropower plants. 这笔资金将支助一个侧重于培训两组织专家的项目,以实施现代解决方案和改进业务。 The funding will support a project focused on training specialists from both organizations to implement modern solutions and improve operations. 这项协作旨在加强水电设施的专门知识和优化可再生能源生产。 This collaboration aims to strengthen expertise and optimize renewable energy production in hydropower facilities.