尼日利亚的机动车手在事故和死亡人数不断上升的情况下要求紧急修路。 Motorists in Nigeria demand urgent road repairs amid rising accidents and fatalities.
尼日利亚卡杜纳州、卡诺州和卡齐纳州的机动车手对导致事故和死亡的危险道路状况发出警钟。 Motorists in Nigeria's Kaduna, Kano, and Katsina states have raised alarms about dangerous road conditions leading to accidents and fatalities. 全国道路运输工人联盟促请政府进行干预,指出道路建设中潜在的腐败。 The National Union of Road Transport Workers urged government intervention, citing potential corruption in road construction. 在Osun、Ondo和Ekiti,居民也呼吁进行紧急修复,将路况差与犯罪和事故联系起来。 In Osun, Ondo, and Ekiti, residents also called for urgent repairs, linking poor roads to crime and accidents. 包括工程部长在内的政府官员保证在节假日前努力改善道路。 Government officials, including the Minister for Works, assured efforts to improve roads before the holiday season.