马耳他基础设施组织报告说,在Mosta,经投诉后,警方收到未经批准的砍伐树木的报告。 Infrastructure Malta reported unauthorized tree pruning in Mosta to the police after complaints.
马耳他基础设施部门在发现没有申请或许可证被发出后向警方报告了莫斯塔的未经授权的树木剪伐. Infrastructure Malta has reported unauthorized tree pruning in Mosta to the police after discovering no requests or permissions were issued for the work. 居民表示沮丧,因为Vjal l-Indipendenza的四棵树被过度砍伐到树冠以下。 Residents expressed frustration as four trees on Vjal l-Indipendenza were excessively pruned below the canopy level. 环境和资源管理局也不同意所采用的侵略性方法。 The Environment and Resources Authority has also disapproved of the aggressive methods used. 马耳他基础设施公司和马耳他运输公司都否认参与这一砍伐工程。 Both Infrastructure Malta and Transport Malta have denied involvement in the pruning.