印度选举委员会将马哈拉施特拉(Maharashtra)的DGP Rashmi Shukla在选举偏见指控中移交。 India's Election Commission transfers Maharashtra's DGP Rashmi Shukla amid election bias allegations.
印度选举委员会下令,在11月20日邦议会选举之前,移交马哈拉施特拉省警察总监拉希米·舒克拉。 The Election Commission of India has ordered the transfer of Maharashtra's Director General of Police, Rashmi Shukla, ahead of the state's Assembly elections on November 20. 这一决定是在包括国会在内的反对党指控Shukla对反对派领导人持有偏见和参与非法电话窃听之后作出的。 This decision follows allegations from opposition parties, including Congress, accusing Shukla of bias and involvement in illegal phone tapping of opposition leaders. 孟买警察局长Vivek Phansalkar被任命为临时警察总监,直至选出新的警官为止。 Mumbai Police Commissioner Vivek Phansalkar has been appointed as the interim DGP until a new officer is selected.