印度选举委员会将喀拉拉邦、旁遮普邦和北方邦的补选推迟至11月20日举行。 India's Election Commission postponed by-elections in Kerala, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh to November 20.
印度选举委员会已重新安排11月13日至10月20日在喀拉拉邦、旁遮普邦和北方邦的补选时间,以回应各政党提出的因节日重叠而选民投票率低的要求。 The Election Commission of India has rescheduled by-elections in Kerala, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh from November 13 to November 20, responding to requests from political parties concerned about low voter turnout due to overlapping festivals. 喀拉拉邦的 Palakkad 选区将与“Kalpathi Rastholsavam”节同时进行,而旁遮普邦和北方邦的节日也促进了这一变化。 The Palakkad constituency in Kerala will coincide with the "Kalpathi Rastholsavam" festival, while festivals in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh also prompted the change. 计票将于11月23日举行。 Vote counting will occur on November 23.