康沃尔的Flambards主题公园于2023年9月23日永久关闭, Flambards Theme Park in Cornwall permanently closed on September 23, 2023, amid rising costs.
2023年9月23日, 康沃尔的Flambards主题公园永久关闭, Flambards Theme Park in Cornwall has permanently closed as of September 23, 2023, due to rising costs and declining visitor numbers. 该公园于1976年开放,从一个航空博物馆演变成一个受欢迎的家庭景点。 Opened in 1976, the park evolved from an aviation museum into a popular family attraction. 尽管2012年以来进行了大量投资,但业务变得不可持续。 Despite significant investment since 2012, operations became unsustainable. 室内游乐中心Ferdi's Funland将于11月17日重新开放, The indoor play centre, Ferdi's Funland, will reopen as a standalone attraction on November 17. 封锁给社区留下了深深的损失感。 The closure has left the community feeling a deep sense of loss.