William Gibbs 44岁 被判14年徒刑 罪名是 与15岁青少年发生三度性行为 William Gibbs, 44, was sentenced to 14 years for third-degree sexual conduct with a 15-year-old.
William Gibbs, 44岁,来自Ridgeville, 被判14年徒刑, 罪名是 与15岁女孩发生三级性犯罪行为。 William Gibbs, 44, from Ridgeville, has been sentenced to 14 years in prison after pleading guilty to third-degree criminal sexual conduct with a 15-year-old girl. 当她的监护人发现明确的短信时,这种关系就暴露了。 The relationship was uncovered when her guardian found explicit text messages. Gibbs通过社交媒体应用程序与受害人见面,发送了她的淫秽照片,并提供了大麻。 Gibbs met the victim through a social media app, sent her obscene photos, and provided marijuana. 这个案例突出了监测儿童在线活动对其安全的重要性。 This case highlights the importance of monitoring children's online activities for their safety.