电视主持人Antonia Harman声称,她在登机时遭到拳击,引发了调查。 TV presenter Antonia Harman alleges she was punched while boarding a flight, sparking an investigation.
英国电视台主持人兼Trump支持者Antonia Harman声称,她于10月28日登上英国航空公司飞往得克萨斯州奥斯汀的航班时,遭到另一名乘客拳打脸部。 Antonia Harman, a British TV presenter and Trump supporter, alleges she was punched in the face by another passenger while boarding a British Airways flight to Austin, Texas, on October 28. 在对政治观点的分歧升级后,武装警察将Harman从飞行中撤走。 Harman was removed from the flight by armed police after a disagreement over political views escalated. 两名妇女均提出反攻击指控。 Both women made counter-allegations of assault. 大都会警察正在调查这一事件,而Harman则寻求英国航空公司的道歉和退款。 The Metropolitan Police are investigating the incident, while Harman seeks an apology and a refund from British Airways.