沙巴首席部长宣布每年向学生提供300林吉特补贴,以支付节庆旅行费用。 Sabah Chief Minister announces RM300 annual subsidy for students to cover festive travel costs.
沙巴首席部长宣布为该州的公立和私立高等教育机构的学生提供300令吉 (约合70美元) 的年度补贴. The Sabah Chief Minister has announced a RM300 (about $70) annual subsidy for students at public and private higher education institutions in the state. 这项财政援助的目的是帮助支付学生在节日庆祝活动期间回家的旅费。 This financial aid aims to help cover travel costs for students returning home during festive celebrations. 该倡议响应学生的要求,寻求支持他们参加家庭和社区活动,同时促进萨巴赫受过教育的人的发展。 The initiative, responding to student requests, seeks to support their participation in family and community events while fostering the development of educated individuals in Sabah.