沙巴州政府为非穆斯林宗教团体和学校增加5675万令吉拨款。 Sabah state government increases RM56.75m allocation for non-Muslim religious bodies and schools.
沙巴州政府已拨出5675万令吉发展非穆斯林宗教团体和学校。 The Sabah state government has set aside RM56.75 million to develop non-Muslim religious bodies and schools. 这一数额比上一年的 5405 万令吉拨款有所增加。 This amount is an increase from the prior year's allocation of RM54.05 million. 其中,2415万令吉指定给学校,而3260万令吉则专门用于非伊斯兰宗教组织的发展。 Among the allocations, RM24.15 million is designated for schools while RM32.6 million is dedicated to the growth of non-Islamic religious organizations. 沙巴首席部长拿督斯里哈吉吉努尔提到,拨款的增加表明政府致力于援助该州人民,无论他们的信仰如何。 Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor mentioned that this increase in allocations demonstrates the government's commitment to aiding the people of the state, regardless of their faith.