渥太华首任夜生活专员旨在重振该市的夜生活,促进旅游业。 Ottawa's first Nightlife Commissioner aims to revitalize the city's nightlife and boost tourism.
渥太华首任夜生活专员马修·格伦丁(Mathieu Grondin)的目标是在今后十年内振兴该市的夜生活。 Ottawa's first Nightlife Commissioner, Mathieu Grondin, aims to revitalize the city's nightlife over the next decade. Grondin 的任务是将渥太华的形象从沉闷转变为充满活力,他计划促进旅游业和经济活动,同时实施安全措施和在线平台来推广夜间活动。 Tasked with transforming Ottawa's image from dull to vibrant, Grondin plans to boost tourism and economic activity while implementing safety measures and an online platform to promote nighttime events. 由于夜生活经济为4 600家企业和15亿美元的年度支出,他设想为居民和游客提供一个活跃的黑暗后目的地。 With a nightlife economy of 4,600 businesses and $1.5 billion in annual spending, he envisions a lively after-dark destination for both residents and visitors.