印度的NHAI在Dwarka高速公路上推出一个多线自由流动收费系统,以提高效率。 India's NHAI launches a Multi-Lane Free Flow toll system on the Dwarka Expressway to enhance efficiency.
印度国家公路管理局(NHAI)正在Dwarka高速公路上启动一个多线自由流动收费系统,目的是消除有形收费广场。 The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is launching a Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) toll collection system on the Dwarka Expressway, aiming to eliminate physical toll plazas. 利用传感器收集车辆数据时,将从Fastag钱包中以电子方式扣除费用。 Utilizing sensors to gather vehicle data, fees will be deducted electronically from Fastag wallets. 这一倡议旨在减少拥挤和污染,同时提高旅行效率。 This initiative seeks to reduce congestion and pollution while improving travel efficiency. NHAI计划将这一系统扩大到更多的高速公路,并利用地理信息系统软件监测收费广场。 NHAI plans to expand this system to additional expressways and monitor toll plazas using GIS software.