昆士兰地区27 745英亩的作物种植活动Kinbeachie销售6 500多万美元。 A 27,745-acre Queensland cropping operation, Kinbeachie, is for sale for over $65 million.
Kinbeachie是昆士兰边河地区27 745英亩的旱地作物种植活动,销售额超过6 500万美元。 Kinbeachie, a 27,745-acre dryland cropping operation in Queensland's Border Rivers region, is for sale at over $65 million. 它包括四个有肥沃土壤和广泛灌溉能力的地产,支持诸如小麦、大麦和鹰嘴豆等多种作物。 It includes four properties with fertile soils and extensive irrigation capabilities, supporting a variety of crops like wheat, barley, and chickpeas. 土地有多种住所、实用基础设施和谷物储存。 The land features multiple dwellings, operational infrastructure, and grain storage. 11月28日前应提出意向书。 Expressions of interest are due by November 28. 如欲了解更多详情,请联系名单所列代理人。 For more details, contact the listed agents.