怀俄明州居民正在讨论全年的夏令时,因为担心时钟的变化。 Wyoming residents are debating year-round Daylight Saving Time amid concerns over clock changes.
怀俄明州居民正在辩论采用全年日光节约时间(DST), 而不是目前每年两次的时钟变化, 有些人认为这扰乱了睡眠, 可能无法节省能源。 Wyoming residents are debating the adoption of year-round Daylight Saving Time (DST) instead of the current twice-yearly clock changes, which some argue disrupt sleep and may not save energy. 怀俄明州2020年的一项法律寻求联邦批准这一转变,如果三个西部州也这样做的话,但还没有达成此类协议。 A 2020 law in Wyoming sought federal approval for this shift if three western states followed suit, but no such agreements have been reached. 目前,19个州已着手全年维持DST,但联邦法律限制未经许可放弃标准时间。 Currently, 19 states have moved to maintain DST year-round, but federal law restricts abandoning Standard Time without permission. 网上民意测验正在评估公众对此议题的看法。 An online poll is gauging public opinion on this issue.