苏格兰喜剧演员Janey Godley, 以她的流行性小鹦鹉闻名, 与癌症抗争后于63岁去世。 Scottish comedian Janey Godley, known for her pandemic parodies, died at 63 after battling cancer.
苏格兰喜剧演员 Janey Godley, 以Nicola Sturgeon在疫情期间的支持者而闻名, 11月2日因与卵巢癌抗争而于63岁去世。 Scottish comedian Janey Godley, known for her parodies of Nicola Sturgeon during the pandemic, passed away at 63 on November 2nd after a battle with ovarian cancer. 2021年诊断出,她最近接受临终护理。 Diagnosed in 2021, she had recently entered hospice care. Godley在去世前不久获得格拉斯哥大学的荣誉学位。 Celebrated for her humor and resilience, Godley was awarded an honorary degree from the University of Glasgow shortly before her death. 她的女儿对球迷的支持表示感谢,她相信这种支持延长了Godley的一生。 Her daughter expressed gratitude for the support from fans, which she believed extended Godley's life.