63岁的苏格兰喜剧演员Janey Godley接受临终卵巢癌的寿终护理。 63-year-old Scottish comedian Janey Godley receives end-of-life care for terminal ovarian cancer.
63岁的苏格兰喜剧演员珍妮·戈德利宣布,由于她的子宫末期癌的发展,她正在接受临终期护理。 Scottish comedian Janey Godley, 63, has announced she is receiving end-of-life care due to the progression of her terminal ovarian cancer. 她的癌症于2021年11月最初被诊断出来,2022年全无,因此,癌症复发,导致她的秋季旅游被取消。 Initially diagnosed in November 2021 and given the all-clear in 2022, her cancer returned, leading to a cancellation of her autumn tour. 在一份衷心的社交媒体视频中,她感谢国家保健服务机构、家人、朋友和粉丝在她的健康旅途中给予的支持。 In a heartfelt social media video, she expressed gratitude to the NHS, family, friends, and fans for their support during her health journey.