孟买警方要求引渡Anmol Bishnoi, 与Salman Khan家外枪击事件有关。 Mumbai Police seek extradition of Anmol Bishnoi, linked to shooting outside Salman Khan's home.
孟买警方正试图引渡歹徒Lawrence Bishnoi的兄弟Anmol Bishnoi, 他涉嫌在演员Salman Khan家外开枪。 Mumbai Police are pursuing the extradition of Anmol Bishnoi, brother of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, in connection with a shooting outside actor Salman Khan's home. 美国当局对安莫尔的所在地发出警报后,签发了不可保释的逮捕证,《红角通告》已生效。 A non-bailable warrant has been issued, and a Red Corner Notice is in effect, following alerts from US authorities about Anmol's location. 他面临多重刑事指控,包括参与引人注目的案件。 He faces multiple criminal charges, including involvement in high-profile cases. 警察的目的是向中央政府提交一份正式的引渡提案。 The police aim to submit a formal extradition proposal to the central government.