Keyshawn Givhan,28岁,被判犯有一级谋杀罪,罪名是2022年12月杀害James White Jr。 Keyshawn Givhan, 28, was convicted of first-degree murder for the December 2022 killing of James White Jr.
Keyshawn Givhan,28岁,被判一级谋杀罪,罪名是2022年12月在卡拉马祖枪杀29岁的James White Jr.。 Keyshawn Givhan, 28, has been convicted of first-degree murder for the December 2022 shooting death of 29-year-old James White Jr. in Kalamazoo. Givhan多次向White开枪,White后来因伤势过重死亡。 Givhan shot White multiple times, and White later died from his injuries. 他定于2024年12月2日被判刑,并面临无法假释的终身监禁。 He is scheduled for sentencing on December 2, 2024, and faces life in prison without parole. Givhan的同案被告Jalani Nowling先前已被定罪,并正在服无期徒刑。 Givhan's co-defendant, Jalani Nowling, was convicted earlier and is also serving a life sentence.