一名25岁的男子在Regina被捕,罪名是企图在武装期间抢劫一家商店。 A 25-year-old man was arrested in Regina for attempting to rob a store while armed.
一名25岁的男子在加拿大Regina被捕,他当时手持枪试图抢劫一家零售商店。 A 25-year-old man was arrested in Regina, Canada, after attempting to rob a retail store while armed with a gun. 仓储雇员迅速启动了一个安全系统 将他困在两套双门之间 Store employees quickly activated a security system that trapped him between two sets of double doors. 警察抵达并缴获了火器和一支警棍。 Police arrived and seized the firearm and a baton. 嫌疑人面临包括抢劫和持有武器在内的指控,他定于次日首次出庭。 The suspect faces charges including robbery and possession of a weapon, and he was scheduled for his first court appearance the following day.