10月,由于未申报的过敏物和细菌风险,20多个食品被召回。 Over 20 food products were recalled in October due to undeclared allergens and bacteria risks.
10月,由于未申报的过敏基因和潜在的细菌污染,包括可能造成严重疾病的白血球单细胞原体,20多个食品被召回。 In October, over 20 food products were recalled due to undeclared allergens and potential bacterial contamination, including Listeria monocytogenes, which can cause severe illness. 据美国农业部和林业发展局报告,近1 200万磅粮食受到影响。 The USDA and FDA reported nearly 12 million pounds of food affected. 更多的回忆来自改进检测、更严格的监管和对新鲜食品需求的增加。 Increased recalls stem from improved testing, stricter regulations, and heightened demand for fresh foods. 建议消费者不断了解召回情况,并实行安全食品处理。 Consumers are advised to stay informed about recalls and practice safe food handling.