新西兰已经批准为cetuximab提供资金,援助先进的肠癌病人。 New Zealand has approved funding for cetuximab to aid advanced bowel cancer patients.
新西兰批准为Cetuximab(Erbitux)提供资金,这是在新西兰鲍埃尔癌症协会多年的倡导下,为晚期肠癌病人治疗的一种药物。 New Zealand has approved funding for cetuximab (Erbitux), a drug for advanced bowel cancer patients, following years of advocacy by Bowel Cancer NZ. 这笔资金预计将在第一年惠及大约380名病人,其中一些人将首次获得这笔资金。 The funding is expected to benefit around 380 patients in its first year, with some receiving it for the first time. 虽然这是一个重大进展,但需要进一步努力扩大对其他治疗的资金,包括BRAF突变结直肠癌和待定14年的贝瓦西祖马布的选择. While this is a significant advancement, further efforts are needed to extend funding for other treatments, including options for BRAF-mutated colorectal cancer and bevacizumab, which has been pending for 14 years.