TEPCO前主席Tsunehisa Katsumata领导福岛灾难应对工作, 84岁前TEPCO主席Tsunehisa Katsumata在待决刑事和民事诉讼中死亡。 84-year-old former TEPCO chairman Tsunehisa Katsumata, who led response to Fukushima disaster, dies amid pending criminal and civil lawsuits.
东京电力公司(TEPCO)前董事长Tsunehisa Katsumata于84岁去世。 Tsunehisa Katsumata, former chairman of Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), has died at 84. 他在2011年福岛第一核电站核灾难期间负责,并领导应急工作。 He was in charge during the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster and led the emergency response. Katsumata面临持续的刑事和民事诉讼,指控在预防灾害方面有过失。 Katsumata faced ongoing criminal and civil lawsuits for alleged negligence in preventing the disaster. 虽然在先前的审判中宣告他无罪,但针对他的案件仍在最高法院待审,有一项民事裁决命令他支付超过13万亿日元的损害赔偿金。 While acquitted in earlier trials, cases against him are still pending in the Supreme Court, with a civil ruling ordering him to pay over 13 trillion yen in damages.