38岁的Adam Howell Sr.因据称5年强奸、骚扰14岁女孩而被捕;指控包括一级强奸和青少年骚扰。 38-year-old Adam Howell Sr. arrested for alleged 5-year rape, molestation of 14-year-old girl; charges include first-degree rape and juvenile molestation.
Adam Howell Sr.,38岁,来自冈萨雷斯的男子,因据称在五年内强奸和骚扰一名14岁女孩而被捕。 Adam Howell Sr., a 38-year-old man from Gonzales, has been arrested for allegedly raping and molesting a 14-year-old girl over a five-year period. 阿森松教区治安官办公室确认了这些指控,其中包括四起一级强奸罪和两起少年骚扰罪。 The Ascension Parish Sheriff's Office confirmed the charges, which include four counts of first-degree rape and two counts of juvenile molestation. Howell目前被关押在阿森松教区监狱,在受害者向当局报告之后,调查仍在进行中。 Howell is currently in custody at the Ascension Parish Jail, and the investigation is ongoing following the victim's report to authorities.