参议员Chris Murphy(D-CT)警告说,在一场辩论中,国家共和党禁止堕胎可能会对康涅狄格州的堕胎权利造成威胁。 Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) warns of potential threat to Connecticut's abortion rights from a national Republican ban during a debate.
在一场辩论中,参议员Chris Murphy(D-CT)警告说,康涅狄格州自1990年以来受到保护的堕胎权利可能会受到可能受到共和党国家禁令的威胁。 During a debate, Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) cautioned that Connecticut's abortion rights, protected since 1990, could be threatened by a potential national ban from Republicans. 他的对手马特·科里(Matt Corey)将墨菲的警告称为散布恐惧,并坚称该州的法律是安全的。 His opponent, Matt Corey, labeled Murphy's warnings as fearmongering and insisted that the state's law is secure. 此外,Corey批评Murphy对女孩运动中的变性运动员所持的立场,而Murphy则主张由地方控制这类问题。 Additionally, Corey criticized Murphy for his stance on transgender athletes in girls' sports, while Murphy advocated for local control over such issues.