Regal Princess取消了11月3日的航行,以进行重要的技术修理,两周后第二次取消。 Regal Princess cancels Nov. 3 sailing for essential technical repairs, the second cancellation in two weeks.
由于必要的技术维修, 公主邮轮取消了11月3日从加尔维斯顿出发的皇家公主号航行, Princess Cruises has canceled its Nov. 3 sailing of the Regal Princess from Galveston due to essential technical repairs, marking the second cancellation in two weeks. 受影响的客人将得到全额退款以及今后航行25%的信贷。 Affected guests will receive a full refund and a 25% credit for future cruises. 该船容纳了3 560名乘客,也取消了10月27日的启航。 The ship, which accommodates 3,560 passengers, had also canceled its Oct. 27 departure. 拥有独立旅行安排的乘客应与航空公司联系,寻求援助。 Passengers with independent travel arrangements should contact their airlines for assistance.