新西兰的Wonky Box公司推出了Wonky Pantry,以低价出售剩余的和短期食品,减少食物浪费. New Zealand's Wonky Box launches The Wonky Pantry to sell surplus and short-dated food at affordable prices, reducing food waste.
新西兰领先的水果和蔬菜订阅服务 Wonky Box 推出了 The Wonky Pantry 来打击食物浪费。 New Zealand's Wonky Box, a leading fruit and vegetable subscription service, has launched The Wonky Pantry to fight food waste. 这一新企业使客户能够以可承受的价格获得剩余库存、短时用品和包装有微小缺陷的产品。 This new venture provides customers with access to surplus stock, short-dated items, and products with minor packaging flaws at affordable prices. 通过将当地供应商与消费者直接联系起来, " Wonky Pantry " 帮助减少食品浪费,使客户能够按客户的需要定制被救货物的订单。 By connecting local suppliers directly with consumers, The Wonky Pantry helps reduce food waste and allows customers to customize their orders with rescued goods.