加纳通讯部长呼吁在EW4All发射时加强气候抗御能力的预警系统。 Ghana's Communications Minister calls for enhanced early warning systems for climate resilience at EW4All launch.
加纳通信部长Ursula Owusu-Ekuful强调,迫切需要加强预警系统,以应对气候复原力问题,特别是在最近发生干旱之后。 Ghana's Communications Minister, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, highlighted the urgent need for enhanced early warning systems to tackle climate resilience, particularly following a recent drought. 在启动 " 人人享有预警倡议 " 时,她强调将先进的气象数据纳入农业和灾害管理。 At the launch of the Early Warning for All Initiative (EW4All), she emphasized integrating advanced meteorological data into agriculture and disaster management. 该倡议旨在到2027年建立一个全球预警系统,为实现若干可持续发展目标作出贡献,并确保更好地防备气候挑战。 The initiative aims to create a global early warning system by 2027, contributing to several Sustainable Development Goals and ensuring better preparedness for climate challenges.