中国采用ISO8472-1,这是第一个国际干细胞数据管理标准。 China introduces ISO8472-1, the first international standard for stem cell data management.
中国采用了ISO8472-1,这是世界上第一个国际干细胞数据标准。 China has introduced ISO8472-1, the world's first international standard for stem cell data. 这一标准由国际专家共同制定,旨在加强干细胞研究的全球数据管理,解决无管制数据处理和数据共享效率低下的问题。 Co-developed by international experts, this standard aims to enhance global data management in stem cell research, addressing issues of unregulated data handling and inefficiencies in data sharing. 它为各种数据库和系统之间的互操作性建立了一个框架,为该领域今后的国际标准铺平了道路。 It establishes a framework for interoperability across various databases and systems, paving the way for future international standards in the field.