马里科帕县是亚利桑那州的一个关键摇摆区,拥有 4.5M 选民,在选举阴谋论中面临 13 天的选票计票。 Maricopa County, a key swing area in Arizona with 4.5M voters, faces an 13-day ballot count amidst election conspiracy theories.
亚利桑那州马里科帕县是一个关键的摇摆县,人口为450万,占该州60%的选民. Maricopa County, Arizona, is a pivotal swing county with a population of 4.5 million, representing 60% of the state's voters. 它的政治平衡和人口的多样性使得它对于即将举行的总统选举和参议院的竞选至关重要。 Its political balance and diverse demographics make it crucial for the upcoming presidential election and Senate races. 计票可能需要13天时间,这助长了围绕选举完整性的阴谋论。 The ballot count may take up to 13 days, contributing to conspiracy theories around election integrity. Maricopa不断变化的政治风景反映了增长和新居民的涌入,对国家政治产生了重大影响。 Maricopa's shifting political landscape reflects growth and an influx of new residents, impacting national politics significantly.