2024年Trump运动针对主要战地各州的低性能保守选民。 2024 Trump campaign targets low-propensity conservative voters in key battleground states.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普的竞选活动将重点放在关键战场州的不经常投票者身上,认为他们对于在 2024 年选举中可能战胜民主党人卡马拉·哈里斯至关重要。 Former President Donald Trump's campaign is focusing on infrequent voters in key battleground states, viewing them as essential for a potential victory against Democrat Kamala Harris in the 2024 election. 这一高风险战略针对亚利桑那州大约300 000名低度温和保守选民,旨在动员那些不太可能投票的人。 This high-risk strategy, which targets about 300,000 low-propensity conservative voters in Arizona, seeks to mobilize those less likely to vote. 与哈里斯相比,该竞选活动的投票率较低,严重依赖志愿者和 PAC,这引起了人们的担忧。 Concerns arise over the campaign’s smaller turnout operation compared to Harris's, relying heavily on volunteers and PACs.