伊利诺伊州提倡采用有奖励和政策的EV,以减少温室气体排放。 Illinois promotes EV adoption with incentives and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
伊利诺伊州正在通过各种旨在减少温室气体排放的激励和政策促进电动车辆的采用,该排放占2022年美国排放量的28%。 值得注意的措施包括强制性电动车辆收费站、EV购买折扣和EV专用停车。 Illinois is promoting electric vehicle (EV) adoption through various incentives and policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which accounted for 28% of U.S. emissions in 2022. Notable measures include mandatory EV charging stations, rebates for EV purchases, and exclusive parking for EVs. 州政府合作实施密歇根湖EV巡回巡回旅游等倡议。 The state collaborates on initiatives like the Lake Michigan EV Circuit Tour. 在国家一级,《基础设施投资和就业法》计划投资75亿美元用于EV收费基础设施。 Nationally, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act plans to invest $7.5 billion in EV charging infrastructure.