OMP任命Paul Vanvuchelen为首席执行官,接任Anita Van Looveren,担任主席。 OMP appoints Paul Vanvuchelen as CEO, succeeding Anita Van Looveren, who becomes Chairwoman.
OMP已任命Paul Vanvuchelen为新的首席执行官,接替Anita Van Looveren担任联委会主席。 OMP has appointed Paul Vanvuchelen as the new CEO, succeeding Anita Van Looveren, who becomes Chairwoman of the Board. Van Looveren自1985年创立以来,在OMP工作将近40年之后,实现了显著增长。 With nearly 40 years at OMP, Van Looveren has overseen significant growth since its founding in 1985. Vanvuchelen, 原为全球交付牵头公司,旨在在当前全球挑战中加强OMP在高级供应链规划中的地位,而该公司的股东结构保持不变。 Vanvuchelen, previously Global Delivery Lead, aims to enhance OMP's position in advanced supply chain planning amid ongoing global challenges, while the company's shareholder structure remains unchanged.