阿塞拜疆总统祝贺土耳其总统周年纪念,赞扬他们的联盟和兄弟情谊。 Azerbaijan's President congratulates Turkey's President on their anniversary, praising their alliance and brotherhood.
阿塞拜疆总统伊利哈姆·阿利耶夫祝贺土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安庆祝土耳其成立101周年,赞扬土耳其在埃尔多安领导下取得的成就。 Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev congratulated Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Turkey's 101st anniversary, praising Turkey's achievements under Erdogan's leadership. 他强调两国以共同的历史和价值观为基础,建立强有力的战略联盟。 He emphasized the strong strategic alliance between the two nations, grounded in shared history and values. 阿利耶夫为他们的“不可摧残的兄弟情谊”感到自豪,并祝愿埃尔多安和土耳其人民继续取得成功与繁荣。 Aliyev expressed pride in their "indestructible brotherhood" and wished Erdogan and the Turkish people continued success and prosperity.