43岁的Darryl Felder因试图强迫未成年人从事性活动而被联邦法院定罪,被认定为卧底特工。 43-year-old Darryl Felder convicted in federal court for attempting to coerce a minor for sex, found to be an undercover agent.
43岁的Darryl Felder,来自路易斯安那州Prairieville,因试图强迫未成年人从事性活动而在联邦法院被定罪,该未成年人实际上是一名卧底特工。 Darryl Felder, 43, from Prairieville, Louisiana, was convicted in federal court for attempting to coerce a minor for sex, who was actually an undercover agent. 2023年1月超过八天, 他参与网络对话, 试图引诱他认为15岁的人, Over eight days in January 2023, he engaged in online conversations trying to entice someone he believed was 15 years old. 在司法部宣布定罪后,Felder面临至少10年的监禁,直至终身监禁。 Felder faces a minimum of 10 years and up to life in prison following the conviction announced by the Department of Justice.