Trump 品牌 Harris, Biden 在纽约集会上作为“激进左左派”的“工具”;活动吸引了20,000人参加。 Trump brands Harris, Biden as 'tools' of 'radical left' at NY rally; event draws 20,000 attendees.
共和党候选人唐纳德特朗普在曼哈顿麦迪逊广场花园的一次集会上将他的竞选活动描述为与"激进左翼机器"的斗争, 他声称这支机器控制着民主党. At a rally in Manhattan's Madison Square Garden, Republican nominee Donald Trump characterized his campaign as a fight against a "radical left machine" that he claims controls the Democratic Party. 他形容Kamala Harris是这种意识形态的“完美船”, 暗示她和Joe Biden只是代表一个更大的议程。 He described Kamala Harris as a "perfect vessel" for this ideology, suggesting that both she and Joe Biden merely represent a larger agenda. 活动吸引了20 000人参加,并在Newsmax及其流服务Newsmax2上实况转播。 The event drew 20,000 attendees and was broadcast live on Newsmax and its streaming service, Newsmax2.