伪装成“民防”的俄罗斯间谍组织 UNC5812 使用伪装成反征兵应用程序的恶意软件以乌克兰军事人员为目标。 Russian espionage group UNC5812, posing as "Civil Defense," targets Ukrainian military personnel with malware disguised as anti-conscription apps.
谷歌威胁分析小组和曼迪安特发现了俄罗斯的间谍活动,UNC5812,目标是乌克兰军事人员。 Google's Threat Analysis Group and Mandiant have uncovered a Russian espionage campaign, UNC5812, targeting Ukrainian military personnel. 攻击者以反招募团体“民防”的身份, 通过声称帮助追踪招募者的应用程序散布恶意软件。 Posing as an anti-conscription group called "Civil Defense," the attackers distribute malware through apps that claim to help track recruiters. 这种恶意软件影响到Windows和Android装置,窃取信息,目前仍在诸如Telegram等平台上宣传。 This malware, affecting both Windows and Android devices, steals information and is still being promoted on platforms like Telegram. 谷歌建议使用保护措施来减少风险。 Google advises using protective measures to mitigate risks.