Qantas CEO可能会因与飞行升级有关的不当行为指控而面临参议院的质询。 Qantas CEO may face Senate inquiry over allegations of improper conduct related to flight upgrades.
Anlan Joyce, Qantas首席执行官, 可能要接受参议院对与飞行升级有关的不当行为指控的调查。 Alan Joyce, the CEO of Qantas, may be subject to a Senate inquiry regarding allegations of improper conduct related to flight upgrades. 这项审查是在航空公司处理客户升级及其总体做法的索赔之后进行的。 This scrutiny follows claims about the airline's handling of customer upgrades and its overall practices. 调查可以审查在Qantas公司内部可能滥用公司资源的情况和问责制,反映对航空业公司治理的持续关切。 The inquiry could examine potential misuse of company resources and accountability within Qantas, reflecting ongoing concerns about corporate governance in the aviation industry.