俄克拉荷马州的平均ACT成绩在美国排名第49位,所有初中生都接受了州级考试. Oklahoma's average ACT score ranks 49th in the US, with state-mandated testing for all juniors.
俄克拉荷马州的平均ACT分数为17.6, 排名第二位,仅次于新墨西哥州. Oklahoma's average ACT score is 17.6, ranking it second to last in the U.S., just above New Mexico. 该州要求所有青少年参加 ACT 以承担责任,这与许多参与率较低的州不同。 The state mandates all juniors take the ACT for accountability, unlike many states with lower participation rates. 虽然俄克拉荷马州教育部认为得分是一个改进的机会,但一些教育工作者认为,并非所有学生都受大学的约束,使业绩预期复杂化。 While the Oklahoma State Department of Education sees the scores as a chance for improvement, some educators argue that not all students are college-bound, complicating performance expectations. 与其他测试所有学生的州相比,结果相似。 Comparisons with other states testing all students show similar results.