位于魁北克省 Eeyou Istchee James Bay 的 Kukamas 项目区的高品位镍靶区 2,000 米金刚石钻探计划将于 11 月开始。 2,000-meter diamond drilling program for high-grade nickel targets at Kukamas Property, Eeyou Istchee James Bay, Quebec, starts in November.
11月,Azimut勘探公司和KGHM国际有限公司将在魁北克Eeyou Istchee James Bay地区Kukamas财产公司启动一个2 000米的钻石钻探方案。 Azimut Exploration Inc. and KGHM International Ltd. will launch a 2,000-meter diamond drilling program in November on the Kukamas Property in Quebec's Eeyou Istchee James Bay region. 该倡议旨在探索高等级镍目标,特别是以铜和白金集团重要成分著称的珀尔修斯区。 This initiative aims to explore high-grade nickel targets, particularly the Perseus Zone, known for its significant copper and platinum group elements. 该项目包括537项采矿索赔,涉及272.5平方公里,受益于附近基础设施。 The project encompasses 537 mining claims over 272.5 km², benefiting from nearby infrastructure. Chibougamau钻石钻探有限公司将进行钻探。 Chibougamau Diamond Drilling Ltd. will conduct the drilling.