独立团体竞赛Entrust领导,推广屋顶太阳能,以降低能源成本,到2030年实现零排放。 Independent group contests Entrust leadership, promoting rooftop solar for energy cost reduction and zero-emissions Auckland by 2030.
独立团队 More for You, Better for Auckland 正在争夺 Entrust 的领导权,倡导增加太阳能投资,以解决高能源价格问题。 The independent team More for You, Better for Auckland is contesting the leadership of Entrust, advocating for increased solar power investment as a solution to high energy prices. 三分之二的新西兰人关注电费问题,该集团提倡将屋顶太阳能作为一种低成本、有弹性的能源。 With two-thirds of New Zealanders concerned about power costs, the group promotes rooftop solar as a low-cost, resilient energy source. 其目标是到2030年实现奥克兰零排放,同时使家庭能够减少能源开支。 Their goal is to achieve a zero-emissions Auckland by 2030, while enabling households to reduce energy bills. 托管受托人的投票于10月24日结束。 Voting for Entrust trustees ends on October 24th.